In severe or longstanding ingrown toenails a minor surgical procedure can be carried out to achieve a permanent solution

Nail Surgery

For those particularly prone to ingrown toenails we are able to offer a permanent solution with a minor surgical procedure known as a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA). This procedure, carried out under a local anaesthetic, involves the permanent removal of a small side section of the nail resulting in a permanently narrower nail.

In some cases a total nail avulsion (TNA) may be performed, where the entire nail plate and root are removed.

The procedure is over 95% successful. You will have to keep your foot dry and with a dressing on for a number of days afterwards and return for a number of re-dressings over a period of weeks.

Being a podiatrist myself I am very, very fussy with whom I let treat my feet. With Emma, you can be sure you are putting your feet in a skilled, gentle pair of hands.
— Ania Czarnek